IAF at the 45th Session of the SCCR

Serena BaroneIAF, News, SCCR, WIPO

Last month, IAF joined the 45th Session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) in Geneva. 

As a permanent of observer at the SCCR, IAF took the floor several times during the session to express its opinion concerning several items of interest for its members.  

Following the two days dedicated to WIPO Broadcasting Organizations Treaty, the discussion changed its focus towards exceptions and limitations to authors’ rights. The WIPO Secretariat presented the Implementation Plan for the Work Program on Exceptions and Limitations on the basis of comments from member states in the previous session. 

 However, due to reservations expressed by some delegations, the Secretariat committed to prepare a new working document based on the WIPO secretariat’s draft plan, taking into account new member state comments and elements from the African Group proposal.  

The Chair opened discussions on Copyright in the Digital Environment. IAF emphasised that future work should include perspectives on appropriate remuneration to artists and creators for the exploitation of their works and performances in the digital environment, and the challenges that artificial intelligence (AI) is posing to the creative sector. 

IAF also presented the IAF AI principles to the forum. In accordance with a request made by member states at the SCCR 44, the WIPO Secretariat hosted an information session on the Opportunities and Challenges Raised by Generative AI as they Relate to Copyright, during which artists and legal consultants discussed their experiences with AI. 

The session was followed by the presentation of the scooping study on Public Lending Right (PLR) commissioned to Sabine Richly, which IAF strongly supported in past sessions of the Committee. IAF commented that although the scoping study provides useful information on established PLR systems and shows how valuable it can be for authors and culture in those countries, it is essential to see in the next steps, work that explores and supports the development of PLR systems beyond the established systems with useful technical information and wider perspectives. The Secretariat encouraged member states to submit their comments on the study before the next session of the SCCR.

The following discussion was dedicated to Artists Resale Rights (ARR). Some members and civil societies, including IAF, took the floor to reiterate the importance of ARR for artists worldwide and offer support to the proposal to include it as permanent item in the SCCR agenda. However, due to objections from other delegations, the proposal will be further examined at the next SCCR. 

The final item on the agenda regarded the proposal from Cote D’Ivoire for a Study on the Rights of Audiovisual Authors and their Remuneration for the Exploitation of their Works. Although many member states and civil societies, including the IAF, supported the proposal, one member state’s concerns prevented it from being approved at this session.