Webinar – Contracts in Publishing: A Toolkit for Authors and Publishers

Serena BaroneAuthor-publishers, Authors rights, Events, WIPO

The International Authors Forum (IAF) invites you to participate in a webinar presenting the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) publication ‘Contracts in Publishing: A Toolkit for Authors and Publishers.’

This toolkit is the result of a collaboration between IAF, WIPO, the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO), and the International Publishers Association (IPA).

The publication addresses key aspects of copyright and presents various contractual frameworks within the publishing industry. With a carefully balanced perspective that considers the interests of both authors and publishers, it provides valuable insights for developing the fundamental knowledge and expertise required to engage in successful publishing, co-publishing, and licensing agreements. The content is directed towards authors, visual artists, translators, and publishers, with particular emphasis on those in developing regions.

This webinar will take place on the 13 of November and you can register to attend virtually at this link .