Meetings and Steering Committee elections
IAF has an elected Steering Committee, responsible for determining and overseeing its work; they meet primarily by teleconference several times a year. Elections are held every two years at an Annual General Meeting, details of the election process can be found below.
In addition to Annual General Meetings each year we hold two meetings alongside the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO), which hosts two congresses in different parts of the world, each year. A range of issues of importance to creators is discussed at these meetings. Local creators are invited to speak and share the issues of greatest concern to them.
Our members can help guide this work by making suggestions to the Steering Committee about what issues they’d like to see on the agenda at the meetings each year. Please contact us with any questions or suggestions you have.
The current members of the steering committee can be seen below.
The International Authors Forum was incorporated under the UK Companies Act 2006 as a private company limited by guarantee on 19 April 2013.
Registered office:
International Authors Forum
6th Floor, International House
1 St Katharine's Way
United Kingdom
Company Number 8496616
The IAF Steering Committee

John Degen

Mary Rasenberger
Vice Chair

Barbara Hayes

Carlos Wynter

Lucy Hayward
Steering Committee member

Anna Ganley
Steering Committee member

Janet Hicks
Steering Committee member

Katie Webb
Steering Committee member