IAF at WIPO’s 44th Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Right

Serena BaroneNews, United Nations, WIPO

Last week, IAF joined the 44th Session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) in Geneva.

After a lively discussion on broadcasting, the Committee moved on to discussing copyright exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives, education and research institutions and for people with certain disabilities.

Professor Raquel Xalabarder delivered a presentation on the Scoping Study on the Practices and Challenges of Research Institutions and Research Purposes in Relation to Copyright. She focused on the ways in which current copyright frameworks interact with research activities, particularly in digital and online contexts.

The United States presented its revised document Objectives and Principles for Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and Archives’ (SCCR/26/8, now SCCR/44/5). Likewise, the African Group presented their Draft Proposal for the Implementation of the Work Program on Exceptions and Limitations, which was followed by a plenary discussion on the topic from member non-governmental organizations.

The proposals from the Africa Group and the United States will be further explored at SCCR 45.

The Secretariat then opened the floor for comments from member states on the GRULAC proposal around copyright in the digital environment.

Côte D’Ivoire proposed a study The Rights of Audiovisual Authors and their Remuneration for the Exploitation of their Works, which is an essential step towards better understanding the situation for the diverse range of authors around the world. The proposal will be discussed further at the next committee meeting. IAF strongly supported the proposal by Côte D’Ivoire by submitting a statement to the Secretariat.

Member states also presented a proposal for an information session on generative AI and copyright. The WIPO secretariat will host an informational session on the opportunities and challenges offered by generative Al as part of the agenda item related to Copyright in the Digital Environment at SCCR 45.

Following the approval of a study on Public Lending Right (PLR) at SCCR43, the Secretariat announced that they had begun the scoping study preparation process by contacting an expert who will prepare an initial draft prior to a peer review process.