IAF and CADRA sign Memorandum of Understanding

Athanasios VenitsanopoulosCADRA, IAF, News

The International Authors Forum (IAF) and CADRA, the Centre of Reprographic Rights Administration in Argentina, are delighted to announce they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Panama Book Fair. The MoU cements the relationship between the two organisations and give a foundation to their continued collaboration. The agreement is an affirmative statement of IAF and CADRA’s mutual support, and their common aims to strengthen the position of authors, principally by taking positive action to ensure they are paid fairly for all uses of their work and thereby creating an environment in which authors can afford to work and sustain their professional activities as authors.

Magdalena Iraizoz, from CADRA, said:

‘CADRA is glad to sign this MoU with IAF, because since the first contact that both organisations had some years ago during the AGM of IFRRO in Argentina, hosted by CADRA, they recognise the relevance of IAF’s work in the world but in particular in Latin America, encouraging the authors’ associations of the region.’

The agreement will provide a bedrock upon which the associations can develop projects together for the benefit of authors’ incomes and freedom of expression.

CADRA is a collective management association in Argentina representing and protecting authors and publishers in the book sector.

IAF has developed a strong and active network of members in Latin America and this MOU with CADRA is a further step towards making the voice of authors heard in Latin America and all over the world.