IAF and CDR signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Serena BaroneCDR, IAF, News

The International Authors Forum (IAF) and the Colombian Centre for Reprographic Rights (CDR) are delighted to announce they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Bogotà Book Fair. The MoU cements the relationship between the two organisations and provides a strong foundation for continued collaboration.

The agreement is a statement of IAF and CDR’s mutual support, and of their common aims to strengthen the position of authors through positive action to ensure they are paid fairly for all uses of their work, and thereby create an environment in which authors can afford to work and sustain their professional activities as authors.

Nathalia Gomez, CDR’s General Director, said that the agreement opens the door to stronger relations with other organisations in the region working to ensure that the rights of authors are recognized and respected.

The agreement will provide a bedrock upon which the associations can develop projects together to strengthen copyright and promote the development of a culture industry that safeguards authors’ incomes and freedom of expression.

CDR represents, through its principals and member organisations, the reprographic reproduction rights of individual rightsholders in Colombia, and collects fees, negotiates licensing terms and grants licenses for the reprographic reproduction of rights, works and publications in that territory.

IAF has developed a strong and active network of member organisations in Latin America and this MoU with CDR is a further step towards ensuring authors’ voices are heard in Latin America and around the world.