The following resources are helpful for promoting the issues that matter to writers.

Ten Principles of Fair Contracts for Authors
Produced by IAF members, this outlines ten core principles that authors should expect to see represented in their contracts.

PLR International Guide
A guide outlining the value of Public Lending Right.

PLR International Charter
A campaign by the Centre of the Picture Industry (CEPIC).

IAF Position Statements
Libraries and Taxes on books
Statements outlining the IAF position on the issues of public libraries and taxes on books.

Accessible eBook Guidelines
For self publishing authors
A guide to publishing Accessible Ebooks for self-publishing Authors. Published by the Accessible Books Consortium, in conjunction with the International Authors Forum.

Guidelines for authors attending events
Best practice and guidance from a range of authors organisations.

Writers charters
For self publishing authors
Charters on the conduct and treatment of writers.