IAF signs a MoU with CeMPro

Serena BaroneCempro, IAF, Latin America, Mexico, News, Uncategorised

The International Authors Forum (IAF) and the Mexican Centre for the Protection and Promotion of Copyright (CeMPro) are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) last week.  

The MoU will enable both organisations to nurture an environment of cooperation and mutual support, through shared objectives and a commitment to strengthen the position of authors through positive action, ensuring that they are paid fairly for all uses of their work. 

At the ceremony, the Vice President of CeMPro, Quetzali De La Concha, stated “I feel that signing this agreement confirms our commitment to developing new projects and collaborating with all organisations that represent different kinds of creators. It is important for us that you are here today to enhance the role of CMOs and offer them a unified voice in the sector. CeMPro is very excited to sign this MoU and is eager to make it a productive and successful relationship.” 

Alejandro Ramirez, President of CeMPro, reiterated the importance of this agreement as it represents one step forward for Mexico in the development of culture. Despite the variety of needs and rightsholders they represent, it is an extremely strong sign that all the organisations are committed to working together to promote the rights of authors. 

Speaking on behalf of the IAF, Maria Fernanda Mendoza, the consultant for the IAF in the Latin America Region, emphasised the importance of this occasion for the secretariat and Mexican organisations, stating that it will lead to productive collaboration on topics of common interest and the commitment to ensure that authors’ voices are heard. 

Ametli, SOMAAP, and SAOV, representatives of the IAF’s Mexican members, were also present at the meeting. They congratulated CeMPro and IAF on this accomplishment and expressed their support for a fruitful partnership that will benefit authors. 


About CeMPro 

The Mexican Center for the Protection and Promotion of Copyright (CeMPro), is a non-profit Collective Management Society, established in 1998 with the authorization of the National Institute of Copyright INDAUTOR. CeMPro aims to be a Mexican Collective Management Society that represents and promotes copyright, facilitating legal access to the works of affiliates, protecting and administering their rights. 

CeMPro regulates the reprographic reproduction (photocopying) of the literary works of our associates by granting licenses for their partial use. They collect the rights managed and distribute the royalties collected among the owners of the works used.